Energy3 Wind Farms and Projects
Energy3 provides development advice to those interested in developing a wind farm. Energy3 uses a novel approach to wind farm development. This aims to provide a cost effective solution for landowners and investors where the risks of development are managed at each stage of the development process.
Stage 1
Site Assessment and Project Economics
Stage 2
Pre feasibility Engineering and preparation of Consents
Before further engineering project work is undertaken, the requirements to obtain a resource consent are carefully considered. This includes amongst other things assessments of ecology, communication interference, visual, noise and community impacts. If this process of assessment does not indicate a reason why a wind farm should not be constructed, then a resource consent application is prepared and submitted. Concurrently, detailed engineering and commercial evaluations are conducted to assess the construction requirements, and ensure that acceptable commercial terms can be agreed for connection into the local distribution network and for the sale of generated electricity.
Stage 3
Feasibility Engineering and Turbine Procurement
Turbine selection represents the most important decision for the project; involving consideration of cost, availability, logistics/transport options, installation (crane) requirements, local technical and engineering support, condition (if reconditioning is considered) and network compatibility, Feasibility engineering takes the project through financial close where turbines, electrical equipment and sub contractors are selected, costs for equipment and installation are refined, risks to construction have been managed, agreements with local distribution companies for connection and retailers for sale of electricity have been signed. Finally, contracts are entered into for turbine purchase and major subcontractors are appointed.
Stage 4
Construction, installation and commissioning
If second hand turbines have been selected, the project firstly undertaken detailed inspection and reconditioning as necessary against operating specifications. Installation then proceeds with the mobilisation of equipment and contractors to carry out the necessary civil, electrical and installation works. The project is completed with commissioning, final connection to the local distribution network and handover to the operating entity.
Energy3 Capabilities
Our experience and capabilities are:
Negotiation of land access agreements for wind farming- up to 150MW
Evaluating wind farm site energy potential using "Wind Farm" software
Project economic evaluation to for investors and banks
Wind farm ecology, noise and visual impact assessments for consenting
Pre feasibility engineering of small scale wind farms up to 5MW
Consenting community scale wind farms up to 5MW
Evaluation and comparison of new versus used wind turbines
Sourcing, purchasing, importing and reconditioning second hand wind turbines
Construction, installation and commissioning wind farms
Connection of wind turbines to the local area network
Contracting with the local area network for connection
Negotiation of electricity sales agreements to a retailer
Maintaining and operating wind turbines
Wind measurement and Monitoring:
Site survey and design of wind monitoring programme
Design, manufacture and installation of wind masts from 10m up to 80m
Installation of wind masts and measurement instrumentation from 10m up to 80m
Download, monitoring, analysis and reporting of wind data on a monthly basis
Design, construction and operation of remote power supplies for LiDAR Unit
Operational maintenance of wind masts, monitoring instruments and LiDAR Units
For more information check out our completed projects!
Energy3 provides a wide range of services to clients who wish to develop distributed generation projects of a modest scale (0.1MW -10 MW).
Energy3 has developed, owns and operates two small scale wind farms; and has consented a number of other wind farms. Energy3 consequently has "hands on" experience of small scale distributed wind farm development.
Energy3 recognizes that successful distributed wind farm development requires a tight control over costs to ensure that projects are viable. Energy3 development services aim to provide this from in house experience and resources.
Turbine Supply
From a practical perspective, New Zealand has abundant wind resources and an extensive 11 kV rural distribution lines network. Distributed wind generations aims to utilize the wind resources available and the existing lines system. Distributed wind farms are generally small (0.1-5MW) and utilize a small number (2-5) of modestly sized (up to 50m hub height) turbines.
There are a number of manufacturers globally who produce such turbines; although the largest manufacturers have been increasing turbine sizes (up to 5 MW on 100m towers) as technology has improved. None the less, there are still some manufacturers who produce small commercial turbines (0.25-0.75MW)
New versus Reconditioned Turbines
To ensure these sitescan be developed, of which there are many in New Zealand close to existing lines, Energy3 has relationships with suppliers of second hand turbines from Europe. These turbines become available as existing wind farm owners in Europe repower their wind farms with bigger and more advanced turbines (to increase energy yield). Typically, these turbines have 5-10 years service (from a design life of 20 years). The capital cost of second hand turbines is less than half of a new turbine, while the operating life of the turbines can be extended with professional reconditioning of major rotating parts and consumable items such as mountings and brakes prior to re installation.
New Turbines
Energy3 has reviewed turbine manufacturers globally who produce suitable turbines for distributed wind farms in New Zealand. Our criteria for selection are:
Compatibility with the New Zealand grid - 50Hz
Well proven technology and standardization of manufacturing components
Ease of installation without the requirement for special access provisions or heavy duty cranes
Reasonable availability and delivery time frames
Reconditioned Turbines
Energy3 has discussed the supply of many different types and sizes of turbines with European wind farm developers. Our criteria for selection are:
Compatibility with New Zealand grid - 50Hz
Second hand machines are supplied with a full service history
Certified by a engineer
Reconditioned prior to installation
Where possible, we aim to source turbines which can be shipped in a 40 foot container to minimize transport costs (hub diameter 20m typically). Our focus is on turbines from 100kW to 600 kW such as a Vestas V42 (pitch control) or Micon 530 (stall control).